Triad Weyr

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Monday, November 15, 2010

C'thel of Dolphin Cove Weyr

Name: C'thel
Age: 26
Birthday: m8 d23
Rank: Wingrider, Hurricane Wing
Location: Dolphin Cove Weyr

Physical Description of Persona:

C'thel is 5'10" and of lanky build, as if his muscles never quite caught up to his height as a growing youth. His brunette hair is shoulder length and allowed to grow, which happens quite often because haircuts don't seem to factor into his memory. His eyes are a light, clear amber and his complexion tans lightly, leading one former lover to call him the golden bluerider as a joke.

Emotional Description of Persona:

He has a tendancy to be a flirt and is brash enough to even tease bronzeriders by flirting with them. Most people figure out quickly that he's quite harmless in the activity - he just likes people and interacting with them. His favorite target is women or men with weyrmates, as he's had little interest in women over the turns and considers them as much fun as bronzeriders when he's in the mood to flirt without consequences.

History of Persona:

Born Cathel to a cleaning drudge at Far Island Weyr, no one was exactly sure of his paternity while he was small. His mother's loving nature was widely known within the Weyr, so the decision was made when he was not quite old enough for harper classes to send him to another Weyr to be fostered to avoid any issues resulting from possible other siblings in the Weyr. He settled in quite happily with his foster family at Thayan Peak and had only fleeting sadness when he was told of his mother's death in childbirth when he was ten turns old.

At four months shy of age thirteen, he begged permission to stand the Sands a little early of the Lady Weyrholder at Thayan Peak, who like many women in his life, gave in laughingly to his elaborate compliments even though she thought it would be turns before he found a lifemate. He surprised everyone by Impressing on his first try, bursting into happy and excited tears when he was greeted by blue Alorath. When questioned about his insistance on Standing, he simply replied that he'd known Alorath was waiting and had to be there.

Impressing so young brought about its own complications, but he was content to spend the next few turns in the weyrling wing. The Weyrlingmasters over those turns did their best to keep him busy and out of trouble, for like any active youngster with a dragon of his own, he was prone to getting into trouble, sometimes of mammoth proportions. Not long after the promotion to a Wing, a rider visiting from another Weyr stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing C'trel, then quizzed him over his parents. When C'trel admitted he had no idea who his father was and he'd been born at Far Island, the visitor declared he had to be J'raes' son and none other. Upon meeting the bronzerider in question, C'trel had to agree that he looked almost identical to the man. But after nearly twenty turns of not knowing each other existed, neither of them had any major interest in anything other than solving the mystery of C'trel's paternity, and they went their separate ways.

Three turns later, he was pleasantly surprised to overhear a conversation about the new goldrider's parents, and presented himself promptly in her office to tease her endlessly about having to put up with a bluerider for a brother.

Family and Friends
Catrella, 2, Drudge (deceased) (Mother)
J'raes, 2, Bronzerider (FIW) (Father)
Jenna, 2, Goldrider (Half-Sister)

Dragon's Name: Aloreth
Dragon's Age: 12
Dragon's Colour: Blue

Description of Dragon:
Aloreth is a small blue, with hide the color of the sky at dusk. He has quite the attitude - he seems to think he's twice his size and it tends to make him a bit of a bully.